
Rocknrolla review

rocknrolla_review_1_thumbnail.jpg Rocknrolla is Guy Ritchie’s latest foray into his most successful genre, the comedy gangster movie, sporting a well thought out plotline, lots of silly character names and some embarrassing situations
RocknRolla Reviews Ride in

rocknrolla_reviews_1_thumbnails.jpg RocknRolla Guy Ritchie’s latest London underbelly gangster flick is nearly due out and slowly but surely the reviews are starting to come in. So, and this is the question, after 2 less than good films in Swept Away and Revolver, has the magic come back
RocknRolla – Behind the scenes video

rocknrolla_3_thumbnail.jpg RocknRolla for those who don’t know, is Guy Ritchie’s new London gangster caper movie, with a popular cast
Guy Ritchie’s RocknRolla all set for trilogy status

rocknrolla_2_thumbnail.jpg Guy Ritchie’s upcoming RocknRolla is all set to become a trilogy according to leading lady Thandie Newton
Posted on - March 26th, 2008 | Tags: , , , , ,