
X-Men Origins – Wolverine, Cast Photo and news

xmen_origins_wolverine_2_thumbnail.jpg With the release date for this summer’s re-entry to the X-Men universe looming close, the marketing for X-Men Origins - Wolverine is sure to be ramped up to insane levels. In reality this film doesn't require that much marketing, with a solid fan base from the comics and the very successful series, it's doubtful Wolverine will fail regardless of the quality of the movie
The Good, The Bad and The Weird, $9.99 and Watchmen

good_the_bad_and_the_weird_posted_thumbnail.jpg Once again we have 3 stylish posters for you to take a look at from Korean remakes of classic spaghetti westerns to stop motion animation to Hollywood blockbusters on their new favourite movie genre, the comic book adaptation
Kenneth Branagh could bring us Thor

thor_1_thumbnail.jpg With many of Marvels superhero's already getting their own movie adaptations, from The Hulk to Iron Man, another one currently lined up for talks is the Norse superhero Thor
Posted on - October 30th, 2008 | Tags: , , , , , , ,