The Dead is an old school zombie movie, that bucks the recent trend of humour in favour of pure serious zombie action. We join the story as the movie main protagonist Brian Murphy, played by Rob Freeman, who is an Air Force Engineer in the American army, is on a plane going down over Africa. The situation is that part of Africa is suffering from a zombie outbreak, we don't know why, and we follow Murphy as he tries to find out a way out of the gloom. Along the way Murphy teams up with an African Sergeant Daniel Dembele, who are both slightly untrusting but in the current situation, they have to work together
Wasting Away is a zombie flick with a big difference; instead of your typical humans run from zombies, here we have a movie that focuses on the zombies and shows the events from their eyes. The real kicker is that the zombies don't even realise that they are zombies they just wonder why everyone else is moving really fast and speaking at double speed
Zombieland is new zombie comedy movie starring Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg and Emma Stone, and follows the story of this lone group of survivors as they move across America in search of a safe haven from the Invading Zombies
Zombie fans rejoice, the upcoming Zombie thriller Gatekeeper has just named its cast and everyone favorite red demon playing, guillermo Del Toro starring Ron Perlman is onboard. The rest of the Gatekeeper cast includes Lea Thompson and Matt 'O' Leary and Jana Kramer
Zombies, snow, chainsaws and wooden cabins they all go hand in hand right? Dead Snow is a Norwegian zombie horror comedy all set to be released next week, it follows a group of Norwegian medical students who instead of going to the beach for their holidays head up to an old cabin in the mountains. Big mistake!