
Machete Movie Review

machete_movie_1_thumbnail.jpg Machete follows the story of Danny Trejo's as the title character Machete, an illegal immigrant in America who used to be a Mexican Federale. Machete now finds himself embroiled in the political world with spin doctor Michael Booth played by Jeff Fahey who calls in Machete to make a hit on corrupt Senator McLaughlin played by Robert De Niro
Posted on - October 29th, 2010 | Tags: , , , , ,
Robert Rodriguez’s Machete to be Full Movie

machete_movie_1_thumbnail.jpg Machete is the trailer that featured in Grindhouse and was full on B movie style, of course that was exactly what Rodriguez was looking for and now it seems that Machete is getting it's own movie starring Rodriguez regular Danny Trejo as the aforementioned title character Machete