If you ski or snowboard, you might want to give this trailer for Frozen a miss. Frozen follows the trials of two snowboarders and a skier played by Kevin Zegers, Emma Bell and Shawn Ashmore. The trio end up trapped on a ski lift before their last run down the slopes, but the slope staff don't realize they are up there and all the lights and electricity is turned out leaving the three stranded

Cabin in the Woods, Joss Whedon's latest venture onto the big screen has unfortunately been pushed back all the way to 2011. Bad news for Whedon fans, who no doubt were looking forward to seeing Cabin In The Woods early 2010 which was it's original release date

With the X-Men franchise after three movies needing some injection of life they wisely took the franchise into other directions, first focusing on the most popular character Wolverine, with the first Origins movie, now they are taking X-Men into a different direction with X-Men First Class

Good news for JJ Abrams fans and Star Trek and Mission Impossible fans too with Abrams recently talking to The Los Angeles Times and Sci Fi Wire about the two upcoming sequels

Steven Soderbergh's lead actor in his upcoming movie A Knockout has been named as non other than female mixed martial arts star Gina Carano. Carano definitely has the looks to be in movies and isn't new to being in front of the camera with her stint on the revamped American Gladiators and her time fighting in Elite XC and now in Strikeforce

For fans of Guy Ritchie this sounds like the perfect comic book adaptation to suit his style, Lobo is an interstellar mercenary and bounty hunter, with an anti hero persona who enjoys nothing better than a nice dose of killing mayhem and carnage. Lobo is a giant blue skinned beefy motorcycle riding kicking ass machine which makes it totally crazy that a PG-13 rating is being aimed for by the film producers

Whiteout is an upcoming movie based on the comic book of the same name and stars Kate Beckinsale in the lead role as a US deputy marshall assigned to Antarctica to investigate a recent murder with only three days before the full antarctic winter rolls in. Beckinsale's character crosses paths in the antarctic with a UN officer played by Gabriel Macht also investing the murder which leads to conflict and intrigue in solving what has happened in the snowy wasteland

The Iron Man 2 press machine is still rumbling on, and Marvel have been releasing all kinds of new Iron Man 2 photos, luckily we have them all handily compiled right here for you to check out. With Iron Man 2 all set to be released in May 2010 we still have a way to go before we can see if the sequel to the original smash hit can live up to the expectations set in place
Posted on - August 5th, 2009 |
Tags: Don Cheadle, Film news, Gwyneth Paltrow, Iron Man, Jon Favreau, MIckey Rourke, Movie News, Robert Downey Jr, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson, Superhero Movie

Iron Man 2 is looking good as you can see from the latest promotional Iron Man 2 pictures here. With the first Iron Man movie making such a good impression all round, there is no reason that Iron Man 2 shouldn’t do the same and they have added quite a few names to the cast for this second movie, and made sure not to change the crew to much from the origional
Posted on - July 20th, 2009 |
Tags: Don Cheadle, Film news, Gwyneth Paltrow, Iron Man, Johansson, Jon Favreau, MIckey Rourke, Movie News, Robert Downey Jr, Sam Rockwell, Scarlet Johansson, Superhero Movie

The Green Lantern, the DC Comics superhero has it's leading man, Ryan Reynolds is due to be the Green Lantern in the Warner Bros upcoming movie based around the popular and long running superhero
Posted on - July 15th, 2009 |
Tags: D C Comics, Deadpool, Film news, Martin Campbell, Movie News, Ryan Reynolds, Superhero Film, Superhero Movie, The Green Lantern, Wolverine
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