
Sci Fi Movie Rules Part 1 – 3 Things

sci_fi_movie_rules_6_thumbnail.jpg Sci Fi movies have rules! When filming one you have to make these rules happen, otherwise how can you movie be considered a true science fiction flick, and be accepted by your much respected peers and colleagues
Posted on - June 25th, 2009 | Tags: , , , , , , , ,
James Cameron’s Avatar, Concept Art Released

avatar_1_thumbnail.jpg For everyone who's following James Cameron’s hotly anticipated next movie, Avatar, these recently released concept art images give us the best glimpse so far of the movie which is currently being kept under tight wraps. If you want to get the first look while watching the movie and fancy keeping Avatar all secretive and a surprise, you probably should read only this far
3 Christmas movies – 3 Things

3_things_xmas_special_thumbnail.jpg Its that time of year again were you are all busy running about, going crazy shopping and getting all your presents bought and wrapped. You probably also busy getting everything done at work ready for the festive period, with your workmates entering more and more heightened levels of stress and panic as festive mayhem kicks in
Posted on - December 22nd, 2008 | Tags: , , , , , ,
3 films that tried to fill the Indiana Jones gap – 3 Things

3_things_indiana_jones_1_thumbnail.jpg Now Indiana Jones is back, it does make things a little different, but just remember that there was a massive void in the cinema for an Indiana Jones style series for almost 20 years. Many came and tried to fill the void and none appeared to really succeed in capturing the fan base or the hearts of the Indiana Jones fans but that didn’t stop them trying though, let’s take a look at what was offered up to the gods of treasure hunting at the movies
3 Strange sports comedies – 3 Things

3_things_sports_comedy_thumbnail.jpg Sports and movies have been around for a while, similar to how genres split and form, there are now various genres of sport films
3 bad movie remakes from the last 10 years – 3 Things

3_things_remakes_1_thumbnail.jpg Remaking a movie for a new generation is sometimes a good thing, bringing an old classic back to the big screen for a whole new audience while still capturing some of the original fans too
Posted on - March 16th, 2008 | Tags: , ,
3 Vampire movies with bite – 3 Things

3_things_vampires_1_thumbnails.jpg Vampire movies are a strange genre, hard to get right, they often fall into the action and or special effects genre, which are often lacking in deep character development
Posted on - February 27th, 2008 | Tags: , , , ,