
Sin City sequel just around the corner reportedly


Good and bad news for Sin City fans, director Robert Rodriguez has spoken out about the often delayed and much awaited sequel.  After speaking out at a US interview Rodriguez had this to say on Sin City 2 – “I always say Sin City 2 is right around the corner, because that’s what everybody wants to hear and I like pleasing the audience.”  So it sounds like Rodriguez knows he is going to do the movie its just not the most important thing in his life right now.  Maybe there is some complication about direction rights as Frank Miller recently had his first chance to be primary director on the The Spirit.  Its makes me wonder if this was purely a training project for Miller to pick up more responsibility on Sin City Two.

Yahoo movies broke the story here where you can read a little more no the sequel talk.  Personally I can’t wait for another Sin City movie having never read the comics I was blown away by the first movie and the interesting characters that were all linked together in one way or another.

The original Sin City while very graphic and often brutal, was widely acclaimed for its unique style and gripping stories.  Hopefully the sequel if it ever lands with bring all the elements that made the original so interesting.