Pitch Black – Rewind
Pitch Black turned up out of the blue, with one of the best trailers I’ve seen to date. It was minimal, visually stark and left you wanting more and intrigued to know what happened to the alcohol fuelled flame blowing man as he was surrounded in the darkness.
Pitch Black follows the story of a passenger space vessel that is carrying a variety of passengers from traders and collectors to criminals and bounty hunters. When the vessel loses its flight path its spirals and crashes on a strange planet where things aren’t exactly what they seem to be.
The film was the launching vehicle for Vin Diesel playing a cool anti hero character and wanted criminal, Riddick. Rahda Mitchell is the eye candy who plays the vessels pilot Carolyn, she quickly wises up to the situation she finds herself in, never one hundred percent sure who she should be trusting. Finally Cole Hauser plays Johns the bounty hunter, the law man of the movie who is in charge of transporting Riddick. These 3 characters form the main trio and they are a good match, they all bounce well off each other are believable and the acting is above par in what is essentially a b style movie. The rest of the supporting actors play their roles as expected, you have a strange mix of passenger from the crashed vessel, from holy man to the typically English gent who collects art and antiques and wine.
Pitch black does take influence from other movies and the low budget shows at certain points, but what you do get is an interesting character driven film that explores some basic ideas and loyalties which and also you get a strange planet with 3 suns, an eclipse and some really interesting ideas. If you like science fiction movies, anti hero movies or liked any of the alien movies you’ll more than likely find this enjoyable.