Elf – Rewind
Elf is a Christmas movie, about an elf, or rather a human who thinks he’s an elf, raised in the North Pole where Santa lives. Will Ferrell is the title character Buddy the elf, who travels to the United States to meet his real life father Walter Hobbs played by James Caan. Buddy the elf has never seen his dad before and Walter was unaware he was born, so begins the awkward situations that buddy finds himself in, as his elfish ways are so different from regular people.
Elf is a funny movie and it going to appeal to all ages, Will Ferrell is on top form here with James Caan, Zooey Deschanel, and the rest of the cast playing the support parts well. There are lots of genuine laughs to have and quite a few smile raisers. As it is a Christmas movie it also has that extra spirit that Christmas movies need and the pay off is well set up earlier in the movie.
Fun, colorful and will appeal to all ages, Elf is that rare thing, a genuinely good Christmas movie.