A Nightmare on Elm Street Reboot for 2010 – Movie Trailer
With Hollywood going into overdrive on their reboots the next franchise to get the treatment for a new generation is the horror classic A Nightmare On Elm Street. Wes Craven first brought us the classic movie back in 1984, personally it was never a franchise that i was into but it was massive as the time an spawned a serious amount of sequels. The Remake is due to be released in 2010 and is being directed by Samuel Bayer, who has been directed music videos since 1991 and A Nightmare On Elm Street is his first feature film. On the production side we have Micheal Bay, Andrew From and Brad Fuller so at least the production is going to be slick, maybe too slick.
Taking the famous role of Freddy Krueger is Jackie Earle Haley, who turned in a killer performance as Rorschach in Watchmen, and Rooney Mara starring as Nancy Thompson who is no newcomer to the horror genre having previously starred in one of the Urban Legends movies.
A Nightmare On Elm Street is due out in April next year and you can check out the trailer below.