30 Days of Night gets itself a sequel
If you haven’t had a chance to see the original yet and like your vampire movies, then 30 Days of Night is well worth checking out. Jam packed with some truly gripping and genuinely eerie scenes and characters, backed up with some solid performances, that in this case make the movie all the more involving.
If you have seen the original and liked it, good news, Joblo recently reported on news of a planned sequel to 30 Days of Night, making its way back to the big screen. While i cant comment too much on what the story line will revolve around without ruining it for anyone who hasn’t seen the original, i do hope they stay true to the style of original. If they bring back all the things that made the original good, Solid straight performances, classic well staged locations, some great cinematography and a blend of tense and action layered scenes, then this sequel could turn out just as classy as the original.