Duncan Jones Moon Trilogy and Source Code
With his first feature film Moon a critical success and a great debut movie, Duncan Jones is now looking towards his next movie projects. First up is the planned follow up to Moon which is set to serve as an epilogue to Moon, and Jones confirmed that Sam Rockwell has agreed to do a cameo in the next movie, although no news yet on whether the movie will be a sequel or a prequel.
Also in the works and reported on Movieweb via Variety, is the sci fi thriller Source Code, which stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a soldier that for reasons unknown wakes up in a body of a commuter on a train, and is forced to relive the impending bombing of that train until he can find the person responsible for it.
Sticking with the sci fi theme Jones is also making a movie called Mute, which Jones has stated is a Blade Runner inspired movie, which he is a big fan off, and it takes place in a futuristic Berlin.
And the final confirmed movie for Jones, and the one I’m least looking forward too is the adaptation of Escape from the Deep which is an underwater epic focusing on a submarine and her crew.
So all in all it looks like Jones is going to be busy for the next couple of years, but after the success of Moon I’m sure he keen to get his teeth into some bigger budget movie projects, here’s hoping that the higher budgets doing ruin the creativity and Jones keeps making movie that have the class and style that Moon did. More news on all of the above movie as we get it.