
Merry Christmas Movie Fans!

elf_thumbnail_1.jpg It's that time of year again, yes Christmas! And that means that i get a few days off so ill see you all in a few days and in the meantime if you celebrate Christmas then i hope you have a great one and Santa brings you that 100" HDTV that you want so you can watch your movies in full screen home cinema goodness form!
Posted on - December 24th, 2009 | Tags: , ,
3 Christmas movies – 3 Things

3_things_xmas_special_thumbnail.jpg Its that time of year again were you are all busy running about, going crazy shopping and getting all your presents bought and wrapped. You probably also busy getting everything done at work ready for the festive period, with your workmates entering more and more heightened levels of stress and panic as festive mayhem kicks in
Posted on - December 22nd, 2008 | Tags: , , , , , ,