Source Code is the second movie directed by Duncan Jones who gave us the very awesome and low budget sci fi flick Moon starring Sam Rockwell. Source Code is staying on a similar track with a science fiction storyline that follows the story of a soldier Coulter Stevens played by Jake Gyllenhaal. He becomes part of a government experiment that sees them investigating the bombing of a train to prevent future attacks but they are not doing it in a conventional fashion

News has broke that Moon director, Duncan Jones has now got his leading cast for upcoming science fiction thriller Source Code. After the critical success of Moon it appears that the fast rising director has pulled together a great cast for Source Code which is due to start filming early this year, and is pushing his other project Mute out of the way until Source Code is finished.

With his first feature film Moon a critical success and a great debut movie, Duncan Jones is now looking towards his next movie projects. First up is the planned follow up to Moon which is set to serve as an epilogue to Moon, and Jones confirmed that Sam Rockwell has agreed to do a cameo in the next movie, although no news yet on whether the movie will be a sequel or a prequel