Shanghai is an epic looking thriller that follows the story of Paul Soames played by John Cusack as a Naval Intelligence Office who winds up in Shanghai to visit his friend Conner. When Soames arrives, he finds Conner has been murdered, and he wants to know why. Picking up where Conner left off, Paul looks to find out who killed his friend and why using his journalist persona as cover. Along the way Paul befriends local crime boss Anthony Lan-Ting played by Chow Yun Fat and his wife Anna played by Gong Li, and finds that not everything is as it seems with the close but distant couple, who have major sway in the city
This week we have a mix of trailers for you to snap up from the 40's movie Shanghai from Swedish filmmaker Mikael Hafstrom, starring John Cusack, Chow Yun-Fat, Li Gong and Jeffrey Dean Morgan in a thriller that looks like its going to be a treat both visually and content wise. Just check out the great visuals on the trailer in a movie that I'm really looking forward too
2012 is the latest disaster, end of the world movie from director Roland Emmerich, featuring as usual an ensemble cast, this time lead by John Cusack and Amanda Peet, and supported by Chiwetel Ejiofor, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson. 2012 is due to be released into the wild in November this year, and from the trailer it looks like it's going to be a full on roller coaster of a movie
Posted on - June 20th, 2009 |
Tags: 2012, Amanda Peet, Disaster movie, End of the World Movie, Film news, John Cusack, Movie News, Roland Emmerich, Thandie Newton, Woody Harrelson
2012 is an upcoming disaster movie that focuses on nature’s power in a series of natural disasters as we follow the main characters of the movie. With a large and well known cast including John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Woody Harrelson
This week, we once again have a varied selection of posters with a range of styles. From low budget horror movies with The Ruins to political satires with War, Inc
1408 is a spooky and tense movie at points, with some slightly saggy bits, but the general overview is it’s a decent shocker/supernatural story with a well cast John Cusack playing the disillusioned writer/haunted house investigator Mike Enslin
High Fidelity is a movie based on a Nick Hornby novel starring John Cusack. The film follows Rob Gordon played by John Cusask and is a perfect movie for him he does this role so well. I did enjoy the movie but I wasn’t sure if I would initially, its not the kind of movie i would normally go out of my way to see.