This week in Posted our round up of the coolest and newest movie posters we have to very different poster styles for you to take a look at.

Posted is back, our regular look at the latest and greatest movie posters has returned. This week we're focusing on just the one film and that film is The Wolfman

This week in posted we have two movies that have similar levels of violence but deal with them in very different ways

Welcome to another edition of Pixelated, the best movie poster quiz game! The aim of the game is pretty simple we show you a movie poster and you have to guess which movie the poster is from. The hard part is that the poster has been pixelated and this makes it much trickier to identify.

Pixelated is back with more movie quiz fun, in our guess the movie poster game, where you can have to use your film knowledge to help your guess which film this poster is from! I think the choice this week is pretty tough and its always difficult for me to gauge how difficult it is because i already know the answer