Predators is an upcoming reboot of the Predator franchise with Robert Rodriguez in the producer for the 20th Century Fox Film. Lots of rumours have been buzzing about regarding the Predators project with Neil Marshall, of The Descent and Dog Soldiers fame being lined up to direct. This would make sense as Marshall latest film Centurion is now in post production and with Robert Rodriguez wanting to do some directing but not take the lead on Predators
Posted on - June 17th, 2009 |
Tags: Aliens Vs Predator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Film news, Movie News, Movie Rumors, Neil Marshall, Predator, Predators, Reboot, Robert Rodriguez
Back in 1990, if you recall (see what I did there) a science fiction movie based on short story by Philip K Dick appeared on the big screen. The movie was called Total Recall and starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone, in what would become a classic movie directed by Paul Verhoeven
This week instead of focusing on 3 different movie posters, we’re going to be focusing on just the one film and still keeping the 3 posters. The film this week is the upcoming remake of the cult movie fantasy movie Red Sonja