This week we have a mix of trailers for you to snap up from the 40's movie Shanghai from Swedish filmmaker Mikael Hafstrom, starring John Cusack, Chow Yun-Fat, Li Gong and Jeffrey Dean Morgan in a thriller that looks like its going to be a treat both visually and content wise. Just check out the great visuals on the trailer in a movie that I'm really looking forward too

Pixelated is back again with another scrambled up movie poster for you to try and figure out. This week we're going a little easy on you with a movie that's already released but not so long ago you will have forgotten it.

Jonah Hex is an upcoming DC Comic adaptation with an all star cast set to hit movie screen this summer. The title character of the movie and comic, Jonah Hex is played by Josh Brolin and he's a bounty hunter with a wicked facial scar and a knack for tracking people down. It true comic book tradition Jonah isn't your ordinary man, instead he walks the planes between the natural world and the 'other side.'

The well known law man of the 2000AD universe Judge Dredd is returning to the big screen for his second full length feature movie. Thankfully though Sly Stallone won't be reprising the role after the awful 1995 movie which managed to garner a shelf full of 'worst movie of the year awards.

The Losers follows the story of five Special Forces operatives who during a mission in Bolivia find themselves unable to carry out their mission because the lives of innocent children will be taken if they do. When they stray from their instructions given by Max, who they only know via radio contact, they find their escape helicopter shot down by Max who then believes he has killed them due to their unwillingness to follow his direct orders

The latest Saturday Night Live sketch to get the full movie treatment is MacGruber starring Will Forte as a special operations agent parodying the well known TV show MacGyver. It's been a long wait since the sketch first aired in 2006 for it to be brought to the big screen but now it is the movie is jam packed with stars and is being touted as the best SNL sketch to movie, since Wayne's World