With many of Marvels superhero's already getting their own movie adaptations, from The Hulk to Iron Man, another one currently lined up for talks is the Norse superhero Thor

Another well known manga is in line to get the Hollywood makeover and this time is Battle Angel Alita, due to be directed than none other than James Cameron

Bourne could be back again for a fourth film in the Bourne trilogy (see what I did there) with Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass ready to sign on depending on the strength of the script

This week we have three interesting movies with three interesting posters, from comic adaptation to sequel to the story of Che Guevara

The director of sci fi classics Alien and Blade Runner is all lined up to go back to the genre which made his name. Yep, Ridley Scott is set to direct an adaptation of the 1974 novel, The Forever War

Eagle Eye is the latest collaboration between Steven Spielberg, D. J. Caruso and Shia Lebouf who we last had working together in the thriller Disturbia. This time around their joined by Michelle Monaghan, Rosario Dawson, Michael Chiklis and Billy Bob Thornton in what looked from the initial trailers to be a smart, fast paced and full on movie experience

Angels and Demons is an adaptation from Dan Brown's book of the same name. It’s essentially a sequel or follow on to The Da Vinci Code with Tom Hanks reprising his role as Professor Robert Langdon.

Two movies on pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum, first up is the new trailer for Frank Miller's The Spirit. Dark and brooding the trailer is stylish and intriguing, although it doesn't give anything away i think that's a good thing

Rather off topic but a interestory story posted by Icons of Fright about the director of Hellboy and the upcoming Hobbit movie, Guillermo Del Toro. Hes been collabourating with novelist Chuck Hogan on a trilogy of epic books based around Vampires and their history, tracing their origins and roots way back in time